The Mission

  • Examine Vendor Expenses

To offer you a broad overview of your spending and point out areas with significant room for savings, we examine a full year's worth of expenses from your general ledger, broken down by category.

  • Define the Goals and Objectives

Choose the costs you wish to pay off first. In order to collect more information, we meet with internal stakeholders in each spending category and get letters of authorization allowing us to deal directly with your vendors

  • Review, Negotiate, and Deliver 

We do a comprehensive audit of your spending, bills, and contract terms and conditions to find every opportunity for cost reductions and service provider and vendor optimization. We can also investigate finding alternative vendors upon request. After examining all of the options, you select which to accept and put into action.

  • Incorporate Savings Strategies

We implement new rates and contracts and furnish your internal teams with the necessary paperwork of all updated terms and conditions, price agreements, and agreements. There are no up-front fees, we get paid as you save.

  • Verify and Maintain Compliance

We work with you to guarantee that you are getting all negotiated services, verify savings, and maintain vendor compliance throughout the term of your new contracts and service agreements. We continually search for fresh or more ways to save costs in order to guarantee long-term best-in-market pricing.

Our Story

S.C. is a comprehensive group purchasing organization that is unlike any other. We serve as an extension of our members' brands, assisting them in becoming more successful while saving them money, time, and effort. 

Hospital overspending is estimated to cost the US economy $25.4 billion annually. S.C. employs analytics and data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the information and procedures inside its supply chain. 

This understanding allow SC to maintain and enhance the accuracy of the information, which resulted in significant and long-lasting system improvements.

S.C. supports academic health systems at universities, hospitals under governmental authority, and private hospitals. 

Through our Member Committee methodology, which involves membership in all decision-making, S.C. undertakes more than 100 new projects annually.